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BP will pay nearly $1.3 billion for crimes associated with its 2010 drilling rig accident and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. On top of that, the company will pay more than $3 billion to settle claims from the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Steve Inskeep talks to Democratic Sen. Patty Murray about going over the fiscal cliff. As the head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Murray helped the Democrats maintain their Senate majority. She has said that if Republicans do not agree to let tax cuts expire for those making over $250,000 per year, the country should go over the fiscal cliff.

Whenever there's a disaster, people want to give, and Hurricane Sandy is no exception. According to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, U.S. charities collected more than $174 million in donations as of Nov. 9 to help respond to the storm.

But it's not only money that has been pouring in. Relief programs have also received mountains of clothes, food and other supplies, not all of which are needed.

Enlarge Pam Fessler/NPR

Volunteers sort through donated clothes in Sea Bright, N.J.


BP will pay nearly $1.3 billion for crimes associated with its 2010 drilling rig accident and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. On top of that, the company will pay more than $3 billion to settle claims from the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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