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The issue is this: Should the West arm Kiev against Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says no, and she is joined by French President Francois Hollande. They have the outline of a plan that Hollande says includes "rather strong" autonomy for Ukraine's east. And they are taking it to President Obama.

As for the U.S., White House press secretary Josh Earnest says this: "The president is going to make a decision that he believes is in the broader national security interests of the United States," adding, "and part of that is understanding what sort of impact the decisions that we make have on our allies."

NATO's top military commander, U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove has made it clear that Washington has not ruled-out the option to arm Kiev.

"I don't think we should preclude out of hand the possibility of the military option," Breedlove told reporters, according to Reuters. He clarified that he was talking about weapons and capabilities, not "boots on the ground."

Reuters says it's part of an "emerging rift between America and Europe on over how to confront [Russian President Vladimir] Putin as the Moscow-backed rebels gain territory."

Obama has been under increasing pressure at home to provide weapons to Kiev to bolster its ability to defeat the rebels.

The Franco-German peace plan is being described as a last-ditch effort to forestall a broader conflict. Merkel and Hollande are hoping the U.S. will sign on.

To that end, Merkel, who met today in Munich with Vice President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, will be in Washington on Sunday to make her case at the White House.

Even so, the German chancellor has expressed caution over the peace plan's chances of success and Hollande sounded a note of desperation, telling reporters in France: "If we don't manage to find not just a compromise but a lasting peace agreement, we know perfectly well what the scenario will be. It has a name, it's called war."

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is sounding a more optimistic note even as he issued a strong warning against arming Kiev, according to Reuters.

"We believe that there are good grounds for optimism, to issue recommendations for conflict resolution," Lavrov said after talks on Friday.

However, speaking at a debate in Munich today, Lavrov pointed to growing calls in the West to "pump Ukraine full of lethal weapons," Reuters says.

"This position will only exacerbate the tragedy of Ukraine," he said.

crisis in Ukraine

Francois Hollande

German Chancellor Angela Merkel


President Obama

The family of the Arizona woman who Islamic militants claim was killed in a Jordanian airstrike is hoping she is still alive.

Kayla Jean Mueller's parents are not speaking to reporters, but issued a statement through a family representative late Friday asking for privacy and requesting that the so-called Islamic State, which has held the aid worker since 2013, contact them privately.

Jordan called ISIS's claim "criminal propaganda," and U.S. officials say they can't confirm her death, says Martin Kaste of our Newcast desk.

"ISIS is claiming she was killed in this Jordanian airstrike, but that's a very convenient thing for ISIS to say right now, and it's not known for sure how she died, or whether she died," Kaste reports.

Jordan launched strikes against ISIS after the extremists released a video this week showing a Jordanian hostage, pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, being burned to death.

Carl and Marsha Mueller's statement addressed "those in positions of responsibility for holding" their daughter.

The Two-Way

ISIS Claims U.S. Hostage Was Killed Friday In Jordanian Attack

"This news leaves us concerned, yet, we are still hopeful that Kayla is alive. We have sent you a private message and ask that you respond to us privately. We know that you have read our previous communications, [kidnapped British journalist] John Cantlie made references to them in October.

"You told us that you treated Kayla as your guest, as your guest her safety and wellbeing remains your responsibility.

"Kayla's mother and I have been doing everything we can to get her released safely."

Meuller is the last known American to be held prisoner by ISIS. The militant group has beheaded three Americans, two Japanese and three British hostages.

And similarly, we can make sounds in different ways. I mean, you take the Romans. They managed to do without the letter "V," the letter "W," and the letter "J." They may have sometimes made a sound. So, if you take a Latin word for horse was "equus" ... they made the [first] "U" signify the "W" sound and ... the [second] "U" sound made the "U" sound there. So they used the same letter to make different sounds.

On how the alphabet might evolve

I'm pretty sure most of the letters will be there, and probably just by convention they'll be in that order for 100 years or more. Should by chance our pronunciations change very much, and over 1,000 years they may well do so, then certain combinations of letters or even the letters themselves may fall into disuse.

So for example, we might imagine that people will get tired of writing "QU" every time and think, "Well, I'll drop the 'U."' So that would be a very easy evolution that one might imagine.

The Phoenician Alphabet

Counterpoint Press

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From 'App' To 'Tea': English Examined In '100 Words'

13.7: Cosmos And Culture

From Salt To Salary: Linguists Take A Page From Science


On Language, The Web Is At War With Itself


For West Coast commercial fishermen and seafood lovers, there is reason to cheer. Rockfish, a genus of more than 100 tasty species depleted decades ago by excessive fishing, have rebounded from extreme low numbers in the 1990s.

It's a conservation and fishery management success story that chefs, distributors and sustainable seafood advocates want the world to hear.

The rub? It's hard to communicate this success if purveyors continue to misidentify the fish, as many do.

Now, this isn't necessarily a case of retailers and chefs being shady. A big problem, says chef Rick Moonen, owner of RM Seafood in Las Vegas, is that fish go by different names in different places. Take rockfish, for example.

"On the East Coast, they call striped bass 'rockfish.' You offer them a chilipepper," Moonen says, citing the name of one rockfish species, "and call it a 'rockfish' and they'll think they're getting a striped bass."

Moonen is well known as a sustainable seafood advocate. And he's eager to tell the story of rockfish's comeback, a result of tightened fishing restrictions and a reduction in the number of commercial trawlers raking the ocean bottom in pursuit of the buggy-eyed, spiny-backed fish.

But he says many diners are only familiar with a handful of fish species, and rockfish can sound "like an animal from the Flintstones cartoon."

If the goal is to get consumers to develop a taste for these fish, Moonen suggests, you've got to market it to them in an appealing way. So for now, on his menu, rockfish are still being sold as "Pacific bass."

"That's ... the Trojan horse we use to get this fish into people's mouths," he says. That said, Moonen says he plans to transition to using real names for rockfish.

Indeed, rebranding fish species with more appealing market names is a common and accepted practice in the seafood industry. Toothfish are sold as Chilean sea bass, sablefish as black cod and slimehead as orange roughy.


Name that fish: A wild U.S. fish being sold as "Pacific snapper." Snapper rarely occur north of Mexico, and some rockfish species are often sold as "snapper." Alastair Bland for NPR hide caption

itoggle caption Alastair Bland for NPR

Name that fish: A wild U.S. fish being sold as "Pacific snapper." Snapper rarely occur north of Mexico, and some rockfish species are often sold as "snapper."

Alastair Bland for NPR

In these cases, it's not quite fraud, because consumers understand what each market name means. As Derek Figueroa, chief operating officer with Seattle Fish, a distributor in Denver, observes, "It's like asking for a Kleenex and getting some other tissue. It might not be what you asked for, but it's what you had in mind."

Not always, says Kim Warner, a senior scientist with the environmental group Oceana. She notes that rockfish is sometimes sold as snapper — but "snapper" is the name of another group of fish, which live in warm waters and are exceptionally tasty.

"What if someone who is familiar with real snapper comes to California?" asks Warner. "They'll think they're getting snapper. This absolutely confuses people."

The debate over what to call rockfish comes as American consumers are increasingly demanding accurate information about their food and where it came from. And even if they don't, correctly identifying fish on menus and in markets is the first step toward creating traceability in the often deceptive and murky fishing industry, says Sheila Bowman of the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch Program.

"The only way to recognize and appreciate these fish is to start calling them by their proper names," says Bowman.

Bowman says telling the story of West Coast rockfish is important, because it could inspire fishery managers elsewhere to use similar strategies to rebuild other depleted fisheries—such as the beleaguered Atlantic cod.

Oceana's Warner notes that some instances of seafood mislabeling — such as calling farmed fish "wild," or serving up a fish containing high mercury levels under an ambiguous label — are deceitful attempts to hide traits that might be seen as undesirable.

But the case of the West Coast rockfish fishery offers much to be proud of, she says — so chefs and vendors who pass rockfish off as something else are shooting themselves in the foot.

"If they're celebrating that rockfish are doing well, why call them snapper?" Warner says. "You lose the story you're trying to tell."

Bowman says that on regular strolls through the seafood markets of Cannery Row, in downtown Monterey, Calif., she sees rockfish of all colors labeled as "snapper" and "rock cod." Sometimes, chefs and vendors avoid the fishes' real names because they are a mouthful for diners — like vermillion rockfish, bocaccio rockfish, chilipepper rockfish and shortbelly rockfish. But Figueroa at Seattle Fish says he's excited to start using these exotic — and accurate — names.

And a little tableside education could quickly help consumers get over the unfamiliarity factor, adds John Rorapaugh, owner of a seafood wholesaler and distributor in Washington, D.C., called ProFish.

"I think it's more interesting to use the real names," Rorapaugh says. "If you have thornyhead rockfish on the menu, it will start a conversation."

And if consumers start asking for these mild, white fish species by name, says Bowman, it could help boost demand – and prices — for rockfish. She says that could be good for both fish and fishermen.

"If rockfish fishermen are happy and making money, other fishermen will see that [the recovery efforts used for West Coast rockfish] could work in other places," Bowman says. "But if fishermen are just getting a couple of bucks a pound for these fish, then the effort we made to bring this fishery back won't be worth it."



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