
Interview Highlights

On why he loves Casino Royale

"I'm also an enormous fan of the Ian Fleming books. Once you get into the books of James Bond, you realize that the movies were very different, cause they were kind of dark. And so when I saw this come on and saw Daniel Craig—this kind of like brooding Bond—it just felt like perfect to me to the point, and this is heresy to say, I actually think he is my favorite Bond over even Sean Connery, who I loved, you know, but I just think that Craig really embodies Ian Fleming's James Bond."

On why he thinks Daniel Craig is the best James Bond

"Daniel Craig really is the Bond that you want to be or at least I feel like I do. You know, I mean, watching Roger Moore you go like, 'That'd be fun!' because it also seems like it's really jaunty and funny and cool, but what's great about the Daniel Craig one is you feel like okay, he can kind of get out of any situation and yet maybe he cant. You know, he's still very human."