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Why is this Sandwich Monday different from all other Sandwich Mondays? In honor of Passover, I introduced my non-Jewish colleagues to the wonders of the Passover lunch.

It's not the Seder meal, but what I might have brought to school lunch back in the 1970s, when the affluent Jews of suburban New Jersey ate tasteless food to remind themselves that thousands of years ago, they didn't have nice professional jobs like being an lawyer, or maybe a CPA. That's a steady living. I know David Birnbaum does nicely as an accountant, maybe you could look into that?

So what's the sandwich? Manischewitz gefilte fish on Manischewitz matzo with beet horseradish, and Manischewitz potato chips on the side. I took mercy on the goyim by using egg matzo and the non-jellied kind of gefilte fish.

PETER: Eat, everybody. Seth, have some more, you look thin.

SETH: If I was the Red Sea, and Moses tried to get me to eat this, I would totally part.

PETER: Opening this jar of gefilte fish reminded me of my beloved grandmother, Rose Scholnick, opening a jar of gefilte fish.

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