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Supermarkets are taking turkey orders; the tins of Christmas cookies beckon from display tables. These and other signs are unmistakable: The holiday feasting season is quickly approaching.

If you're like us, the prospect of cooking for a group — or contributing a dish to the holiday meal — this time of year can cause some anxiety.

The Salt

Why We Hold Tight To Our Family's Holiday Food Traditions

How do you ensure equal access to the highly coveted oven on Turkey Day when you have multiple cooks in the kitchen, and multiple dishes to prepare? What can you bring to the repast that won't go gooey, dry out or crumble before you arrive at your host's house? How do you accommodate the newly minted vegans in the family?

NPR is planning our holiday food coverage, and we would love to know what you would find useful. What sorts of tips and tricks would make your holiday more enjoyable? Fill out our survey by midnight EST on Thursday, Nov. 6.

We'd also love to hear about your ah-ha moments: Is there a hack, technique or shortcut you figured out in years past that changed the way you do things? Tell us your story in the comment section below.

holiday foods

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