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Interview Highlights

On becoming interested in his great-great-grandfather's porcelain collection

Although I wasn't really interested in my family history, I always liked to dig, literally — like I dug lots of holes in my mom's backyard looking for dinosaur bones or arrowheads or, you know, anything a little kid thinks he's gonna find. And I think that compulsion manifested itself as a writer and as a journalist wanting to dig for stories.

So, while I was working for a newspaper in Seattle, I had to go to the Seattle Art Museum for a story and when I was there I stumbled into their porcelain room and I saw this little red porcelain dish in the shape of a chrysanthemum with gold lettering on it. And the museum couldn't tell me what the gold lettering said so I called my dad to help me translate it and as we were getting off the phone he said, "Well, you know, if you're actually interested in porcelain you should talk to your mom, because her family had some porcelain."

So I talked to my mom and she told me the story of my great-great grandfather's buried porcelain and she knew pretty much that — that my great-great-grandfather was a porcelain collector and had buried his porcelain and couldn't answer any questions that I had in terms of how much there was — How much was it worth? When was it buried? Where was it buried? Had anyone ever gone to look for it?

And she said, "Well, you know, the person who would know this is your grandmother, who grew up at that house." Eventually my grandmother said to my mom, "Well, if he really wants to hear this story, he should just come here." And so I did.

On being an "ABC" — American-Born Chinese — in China

When I think of myself, I don't think of myself as Chinese, I guess. And so when I got to China I found myself really perturbed that I didn't get that knowing glance from other expats when I passed them on the street. And I found myself trying to project my American-ness as much as possible. When they were in earshot I would speak my English much louder than I needed to. I would look for like any excuse to be like, "Hey! Hey! I'm American, too." ...

The local Chinese love to ask, "Do you feel Chinese or American?" And I guess in America, I feel kinda Chinese and in China I feel really American. I think the younger generation gets it, but the older generation just — they don't accept it because they just want you to say, "Oh yeah, I have Chinese blood and I love China and I'm really happy to be back in the motherland," and things like that.

On what he learned from his years in China

The whole experience just kind of made me more OK with me. I was always really envious of Americans who could trace their lineage really far back — who could kind of place themselves in a tradition. And so I think going to China and understanding more about where I came from — I mean, this sounds a little clich — but that kind of gave me a better sense of who I am. And just about everybody's family history is interesting and I think they're really precious things that should be remembered.


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